Central Utility Plants
Atkinson Engineering design on Central Utility Plants involve replacements and upgrades to chilled water systems, air compressors, steam boilers, emergency power systems and automation controls. Unique mechanical design features and challenges of our projects include:
- Addition of a new roof access hatch and new boiler additions (up to 100,000 Lb/hr) and associated boiler room ventilation upgrades.
- Replacement of existing chillers with multiple new chillers (up to 2000 Ton capacity) and associated refrigeration room ventilation upgrades.
- Re-build of wood fill cooling towers with new plastic fill material along with replacement of all defective structural members and retrofit of fan blade and discharge housings.
- New cooling towers with pumped deluge fire suppression systems on Plant addition.
- Replacement of existing reciprocating air compressors with new screw compressors, refrigerated air dryers, filters and mist eliminators.
- Replacement of central emergency generators in the basement with multiple new packaged rooftop units (up to 2.5 MW).
- Underground day tank for new outdoor rooftop packaged generators meeting ECA and TSSA requirements, associated conversion of existing underground diesel fuel tank and fuel delivery systems.
- Replacement of existing underground concrete fuel oil tanks and pump systems with new fiberglass storage tanks and pumps.
- Boiler fuel oil transfer pumps and leak monitoring systems meeting stringent TSSA requirements.
- Rework and automation of chilled water pumping systems to common header and variable flow primary pumping arrangements while maintaining plant chilled water operations.